IntroductionWestern Australia's Marine Environment - A voyage of discovery.
The is the introduction chapter |
DiscoveryAustralia's leading marine scientists discover mass coral spawning in the Great Barrier Reef and Western Australia. This curiosity in the natural world has lead to further ground breaking discoveries recently in Western Australia.
Regional mappingWestern Australia marine environment is vast. Innovation in marine mapping has employed ocean gliders, aerial surveys and satellites to further uncover what lies below the surface.
ConservationNingaloo Marine Park of one of Western Australia's hidden secrets. Not only is it spectacular for its coral reefs, whale sharks and manta rays but recently scientists have explored the deeper waters to find new species of sponges. Not one but hundreds!!
BiodiscoveryNature has evolved over thousands of years to adapt to remarkable environments. This ability to adapt has produced unique structures and microbes that scientists today can leapfrog thousands of years to help with human survival. Today scientists are extracting these unique structures and microbes found in coral reefs, synthesizing them in the lab to create pharmaceutics products such as sunscreens, cures for colds, AIDS and cancers.
ClimateWhat effect will a changing climate have on Perth in 2100.
If you ever wondered what are the real issues here is a scientists who has dedicated his research on just that. |
FutureDo we have enough scientific baseline data to manage the safety and environmental risks in the vast remote regions of Western Australia?
With new oil gas and infrastructure coming on line what are the potential risks and impacts. |
The Kimberley Western AustraliaThe Kimberley is one of the planets unknown scientific frontiers.
It hosts giant tides and has over 3000 uninhabited islands. It is bigger than Germany and is mainly uncharted. Since the early scientific expeditions indigenous people have shared knowledge with scientists on how to navigate and survive in this remote and dangerous region. |
Carbon dioxide and coral reefsExploring past climate by looking at coral cores. Professor Malcolm McCulloch is identifying natural and anthropogenic carbon dioxide locked in coral reefs. Like looking at growth rings on trees this study on coral reefs will help us understand the influence of carbon dioxide on reefs and ocean waters.